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お茶碗以上、丼ぶり未満 宣言
The perfect bowl
SFT believes that nowadays, an ideal bowl lies somewhere between a tea cup and donburi bowl. Traditionally the tea cup has been something that is small and highly decorative, while the humble donburi bowl has always been larger and something more for everyday use. It seems that now, an in between size and decorative bowl is the order of the day.Today we tend to make fewer dishes than previous generations(by choice!), so fewer bowls which hold a little more quantity, make for todays perfect bowl. With this concept, 6 ceramic artists have made bowls for this exhibition. The pieces are intended for everyday use and we hope you will find your ideal bowl.
- イイホシユミコ / Yumiko Iihoshi
- 京都嵯峨芸術大学短大陶芸科卒業後、「手づくりとプロダクトの境界にある作品」作りをコンセプトとし、yumiko iihoshi porcelainの名前で手作りとプロダクトの作品を発表している。
- Since graduating the Kyoto Saga Junior Collage of Ceramic Art, Yumiko has concentrated on work that lies on the boundry of handmade and mass produced under the name Yumiko Iihoshi Porcelain.For this project her pieces are handmade.
- 一柳 京子 / Kyoko Hitotsuyanagi
- 1959年生まれ。1982年武蔵野美術大学造形学部工芸工業デザイン学科陶磁専攻卒業後、スウェーデン、ドイツ、アメリカなど、さまざまな国に居住し、各国の陶土や焼き方を取り入れ、独自の世界感を確立。現在は東京にて活動中。
- Born in 1959, Kyoko graduated in Industry, Interiors and Craft from the Musashino Art University. Following this she has lived in Sweden, Germany and the USA studying the different types of clay from each country and the best ways of using them. She now lives and works in Tokyo.
- 1996年より、中村善郎(Yen Design)のデザインを基に、民芸運動の流れを汲む熊本小代焼きの瑞穂窯、福田るいにより作陶。collex living(東京)、Tortoise(LA)などで展示会。
- Started in 1996, Yen Ware is designed by Yoshiro Nakamura of Yen Design, and made by Rui Fukuda of Mizuho Kiln which makes Shodai-yaki, traditional craft in Kumamoto prefecture under the influence of the Mingei-movement. They have shown their work at Collex Living, Tokyo and Tortoise LA.
- 村上 躍 / Yaku Murakami
- 1967年生まれ。武蔵野美術大学短期大学部専攻科工芸デザインコース卒業。桃居(西麻布)、うつわ楓(南青山)日々(銀座)などでの個展のほか、グループ展等多数出展している。
- Born in 1967, Yaku graduated in Craft Design from the Musashino Art University. He has had solo shows at galleries Toukyo, Utsuwa Kaede, Nichi-nichi and has participated in many group exhibitions.
- 広川 絵麻 / Ema Hirokawa
- 1979年高知県生まれ。沖縄県立芸術大学陶芸コース卒業後、岐阜県多治見市陶磁意匠研究所。2006 年香北町に移住、小野哲平氏に師事。現在、香北町で活動中。
- Born in 1979, after graduating in Ceramic arts at the Okinawa Prefectural University, Ema has studied at Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Centre. Currently she is apprentice to the famous ceramic artist Teppei Ono.
- 横山 拓也 / Takuya Yokoyama
- 1973年神奈川県生まれ立教大学社会学部卒業後、岐阜県多治見市陶磁意匠研究所を経て現在多治見の「studio MAVO」にて作陶中。
- Born in Kanagawa in 1973, Takuya has graduated in Sociology from Rikkyo University,following which he has studied at Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Centre in Gifu Prefecture. He now works from Studio MAVO.
- 「お茶碗以上、丼ぶり未満」では器の展示とあわせて、雑誌「Grazia」との連動企画で、出展作品にお料理を盛り付けたパネルを展示。東京・下北沢で野菜料理店「七草」を営む料理家 前沢リカさんによる料理、数々の雑誌で活躍するインテリアスタイリスト 作原文子さんによるスタイリング、カメラマン 米谷 享さんによる写真のパネルにて展示しています。
In collaboration with the magazine, "Grazia", well known interior stylist, Fumiko Sakuhara, Rika Maezawa, cookery expert and owner of vegetarian restaurant, "NANAKUSA" has designed the ideal cuisine for each bowl. Together with the bowls, photos of the culinary creations by Toru Kometani, will be on display.
Food : Rika Maezawa Styling : Fumiko Sakuhara Photo : Toru Kometani
In collaboration with Grazia