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6月のサッカー・ワールドカップ開催で大きな注目を集めている国、 南アフリカ。
この展覧会では、南アフリカで尊敬の念を込めて「Master Crafter」と呼ばれる60歳をこえる4名の作家と、伝統的な手法を用いてモダンなスタイルに取り組む若手作家1名によるクラフト作品の展示を行います。
Hosting the World Cup soccer in June puts South Africa under the spotlight. Also this year is the 100th anniversary of official relationship between South Africa and Japan. In this occasion, fine works created by four artists, over the age of 60, called ‘Master Crafter’ with respect and one young artist, engaging in modern style by utilizing traditional methods, will be showcased. Please find South African craftsmanship, which has been handed over from one generation to another, and their innovative engagement.
- Esther Mahlangu エスター・マスラング
- 1935年生まれ。ンデベレ族の伝統的な壁画を初めてキャンバス上で表現し、世界的な評価を受けるンデベレの芸術家。アクリル絵具を使ってフリーハンドで描くコントラストの強い絵画は、明るく力強い。かつて、ンデベレ壁画に用いられていた絵具は牛糞だったため、夏の雨で洗い流されてしまっていたが、1970年代から耐水性のあるアクリル絵具が導入されて、より大きな壁に作品を残すことができるようになり、また、使える色が増えて表現の幅も広がった。
Born in 1935. Esther was the first Ndebele artist to transpose wall paintings onto canvases and is internationally recognized. She draws freehand, using luminous and high-contrast acrylic paints that implant extraordinary vigor to her murals. Originally the Ndebele painting tradition used cow dung as the only paint. So colours washed off house walls in the summer rains. The introduction of acrylic paint in the 1970s made it possible to paint a larger area with permanence and extended their range of expression by more available colours.
- Rebecca Matibe レベッカ・マティーベ
- 1934年生まれ。幼い頃から、古くからの慣習に従って家の壁の装飾をする母親を手伝い、粘土や装飾に慣れ親しむ。眠っているときに夢の中にでてくるつぼを心の中に描きとめて、それを作品化する。つぼの成形や装飾に伝統的なベンダの技法を用いながらも、そこには独自の表現が見られる。
Born in 1934. Rebecca began to experiment with clay and surface decoration as a young girl, assisting her mother in the traditional practice of decorating the walls of their home. She dreams of pot designs while sleeping and draws them on her heart so that they can become a reality in the morning. She uses traditional Venda techniques in the forming and decoration of her pots, but stamps each stage of the development process with her own unique signature.
- Elliot Mkhize エリオット・ムキーゼ
- 1945年生まれ。イララパーム(椰子)の葉を草の芯に巻き付け、それらを一層ずつ編んでいくのが、ズールー族の伝統的なかごの編み方。警備員として働いていた頃、人々が杖の手に当たる部分に電話線を巻きつけているのを見て、バスケット制作に草や椰子でなく電話線を使うことを思いついた。あらかじめデザインを下描きすることなく、すべて頭の中で思い描いて制作する。
Born in 1945. The traditional basket weaving technique of the Zulu people uses ilala palm fronds wrapped around a core of grass and then woven into the basket. The idea of using wire instead of grass and palm came to Elliot when he was a security guard and saw others weaving wire around the handles of their sticks. He does not use figurative images before basket making starts because they are all in his mind.
- Simon Masilo サイモン・マスィロ
- 1936年生まれ。叔母や祖母も陶芸家。幾つかの職業を経て1992年、陶器作りに専念することを決め、カスレホング・アート・センター内にアトリエを設ける。当初、伝統的バスツの技法や成型に強い影響を受けていたが、その後現在の独特なスタイルを確立した。型づくり、ロクロ作業、手びねり等、陶芸の様々な技法に熟達する。自らの知識と技術を次世代に伝えるため、カスレホング・アート・センターで陶芸の講師を務める。
Born in 1936. Simon's aunt and grandmother were potters. After having tried his hand at a variety of jobs, he finally decided to focus on ceramics in 1992 and set up a studio in the Katlehong Art Centre. Initially strongly influenced by the traditional Basotho techniques and forms, but he developed unique individual style to be more competitive, which is typical of his work today. Extremely competent in all aspects of ceramic production, whether it be mould making, working at the wheel, hand-building or finishing. Since committed to passing on his own knowledge and techniques to the next generation, he holds the position of ceramics instructor at the Katlehong Art Centre.
- Nomvuselelo Mavundla ノンムブセレロ・マブンデュラ
- 1978年生まれ。1997年にゾデュワ・マプムロに弟子入りし、インベンゲ(ワイヤーバスケット)の制作とデザインを学ぶ。独立後は身近な事物からインスピレーションを得て、自身のデザインスタイルを追求している。従来、インベンゲはビールポットの蓋として使われてきたが、今日では主に室内の装飾や果物入れとしても使われている。
Born in 1978. After numerous attempts to find employment, Nomvuselelo then took on the apprenticeship from her neighbour, Ms Zodwa Maphumulo in 1997; who then taught her how to manufacture and design Imbenge or wire basket. As she moved along, she learned how to perfect her designs by taking on inspiration from her surroundings. They were used as a lid for a beer pot. Today, the traditional Imbenge is still in use, for this purpose. However, they are now mainly used for home decoration or as fruit bowls.
- 日時:
- 4月24日(土)
13:00~14:30 (受付は14:00まで) エリオット・ムキーゼ
15:00~16:30 (受付は16:00まで) ノンムブセレロ・マブンデュラ
- 場所:
- 国立新美術館B1 SFT GALLERY横
- 参加費:
- 300円
Organized by
Embassy of the Republic of South Africa, Tokyo
South African Department of Trade and Industry
Supported by